Sunday, April 15, 2012

Are Your Customers Frustrated with Your Telephone System?

When a small business – or a large one, for that matter – does not have the right kind of telephone system it can well cost them customers. How does this come about? You only have to put yourself in the place of a customer to find out. For instance, if you ring a business and your call simply goes unanswered, you would feel really frustrated. Yet many small businesses are so stretched flat that they cannot have someone sitting at a desk just to answer phone calls that may or may not come in.

So if customers call your business only to find that the phone is engaged time after time, what are they likely to do? Go to the competition where they can get some service. If you have the right telephone system this will not happen. The right telephone system will have features such as a customised message service that kicks in if the phone has not been picked up after five or so rings. This at least lets the customer know that your business is still in business and wants their custom.

Some telephone systems can answer many calls at the same time; ideal for those businesses that are flooded with telephone calls. Other telephone systems present options to the caller such as press one for support and so on. This is far better than you having to hurry through one call to take another. That is only likely to make your customers feel that they are not as important to you as someone else. Such a feeling can well cost you customers.

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